Rubens Gluedown
Classic Limed Oak KP97-7
Mit subtilen Kupfertönen und einer gekalkten Oberfläche haben unsere Classic Limed Oak Planken eine weiche Struktur, die ihrer unverwechselbaren Maserung nachempfunden ist.
Suchen Sie dieses Design als Rigid Core? SCB-KP97
Weitere Information
Designflooring can be laid as sweeping curves, walkways or textured or coloured zones. It can also be laid alongside other flooring such as carpets. Let your imagination design demarcations between areas of different use or walkways to steer customers into different zones.
Laying Patterns
Planks can be laid simply at 90 degrees or on a 45 degree angle to widen the appearance of a smaller space such as an office.
Ships' Decking Effect
By adding design strips between planks, a ships' decking effect can be recreated.