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Rubens Gluedown

White Painted Oak KP105-7

To achieve a "lived in" modern traditional or modern country feel, go for our distressed White Painted Oak planks. The chalky white painted wood stripped down to reveal beige undertones look highly realistic - without the practical limitations of real painted hardwood - and are available in a trendy wider than usual 1219,2mm x 177,8mm format.

Looking for this design in rigid core? SCB-KP105


More information

Laying Patterns

You can arrange planks running straight down the length of a room for a simple but authentic look. For smaller rooms, why not try laying your planks on a diagonal to give the appearance of a wider space. 

Ships' Decking Effect

If you are looking for something a bit different, try adding design strips in between each plank and create a ships' decking effect. 


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